Julong News (Correspondent: Zhou Rui) On April 3, president He Niming and vice president Zhang Fuyang of CCPNT (China Council for the Promotion of Nationalities Trade) paid a visit to Julong Group. Chairman Yang Xuejiang, deputy chairman Zhang Ya, deputy chairman Xu Yibing, deputy chairman Li Lianxi from Julong Group attended the colloquia.
Yang Xuejiang pointed out, in “going out” exploiting, when facing fierce competition of international grains and oils market, Julong Group not only focused on its own development but also shouldered the responsibility of guaranteeing national food security. Although it was difficult, Julong Group obtained great progress with supports from government departments and leaders at all levels.
He Niming indicated that CCPNT would take its advantages as a platform to actively cooperate with enterprises on brand promotion and Halal food certification. Furthermore, she suggested Julong Group to enhance macro economy guidance research, further contact with related departments, strive for more policy supports, thus promoting overseas undertaking developing.