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Julong Group Appears in the March 15 Special Report on TJTV

     Julong News (Correspondent: Xuan Huali) As the old Chinese saying goes, dining counts most for people, of which safety comes first. The customers’ health is closely bound up with the food safety. On March 15, the International Day for Consumers' Rights and Interests, Tianjin Television Station released a special report on the quality assured food in Tianjin in terms of guaranteeing food quality safety in production process. As a local edible oil processor that produces safe and green palm oil products, Julong Group appears in the program.

     The audience can know from the TV program that Julong’s oil products are made in strict accordance with national testing standards and benefit from a whole industrial chain as an end product. Every process involved in the quality control of either raw materials or refined oil manifests Julong’s serious and responsible attitude towards consumers.

     Julong’s star product also appears in the commercial break of March 15 Evening Party on TJTV, from which consumers can get an intuitive understanding of the features of Holiday series edible oil.

(Packaged Oil Business Department: Xuan Huali)

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